Tuesday, June 21, 2011

i am the wanderer's wandering daughter

21 June 2011

Como? Yes dear I have been following your blog but I saw no mention of how your marathon run went?? How was your effort? I was surprised and saddened somewhat to hear that they have showings of up to date movies there as I pictured it as still somewhat remote. Technological progress can leave a lot to be desired as it homogenizes and steals from the uniqueness of individual cultures.Keep warm behind your scarf.


dad, i didn't end up marathoning it up because i went to el campo for a solar stove demonstration. i really loved going out of the city. yes, there are about three cities that are modernized, polluted, and over-advertised then the rest is all countryside. i'm talking adobe houses and desert (reminiscent of being out west when I went to yellowstone) or amazonian jungle (which i have yet to explore).

today is a national holiday so we have the day off. i am thinking about what i should do...i wonder if the bike rental place is open or the yoga studio. i don't think anyone is working today. thursday is also a national holiday! haha. it's going to be a productive week! i may venture to torotoro wednesday night and then have thursday all day to play in caves. i brought way too fancy clothes and may ship them home to have more room in my suitcase for other items.

love you!

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